
Backyard Football 2009

What a great shoot! The Mediajuice Films team and I shot the latest Backyard Football 2009 TV ad on a sound stage and it turned out great. We built the entire set from scratch, shot the spot on the Sony Vericam and worked directly with all the talent. The "butter" prosthetic we created for the ad was alot of fun as well. The concept of joining the "old" with the "new", i.e. a vintage 'Leave it to Beaver' family with new a new 'videogame world' through a peice of butter, seemed to be just quirky and unique enough to resonate with the target audience.
To view the extended version of the final spot click on the below video.


All in all, a very fun project to work on ... and I was really pleased with the final spot. Drop me a line and let me know what you thought of it. :-)


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